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Spark Lab

Biomedical Research Laboratory

Spark Lab: Bem-vindo
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The SPARK lab is a highly dynamic team mainly focused on Regenerative and Personalized Medicine. We believe that trans- and interdisciplinary research are key to push us further and make the difference in advancing therapeutics.


Exploring molecular and cellular mechanisms and signaling pathways of cellular differentiation are main focus of the lab, as well as developing strategies for tissue regeneration (particularly neuro and osteoregeneration) and for successful rehabilitation after trauma or disease. This also gave us base knowledge to tackle age-associated diseases and commorbidities. Our main aim is to develop cellular and molecular tools and intelligent biomaterials, to deliver future multimodal therapies that will improve the life quality of patients.


To grab those ‘sparks’ that help to advance science, our team works from the bench to the bedside performing basic, translational and clinical research, with national and international collaborators from different scientific areas, including clinical partners.

SPARk lab: [S]timuli and sinaling [PA]thways for [R]egeneration

Sandra Vieira

profile at University of Aveiro

Institute of Biomedicine

at University of Aveiro

© 2021 Spark Lab Vieira site by Delight Design

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