Research lines
Find out the main topics of the interdisciplinary research areas we work in, and the projects that support them
Signaling and OMICs (transcriptomics, proteomics, microbiomics)
Neuronal differentiation, neuritogenic mechanisms, neurotrophic factors
Spinal cord injury (biomarkers, gene and cell therapies, determinants of rehabilitation)
New biomaterials for neuroregeneration
Electrical stimulation for neuroregeneration
Neurodegeneration (e.g. Alzheimer’s disease)
Basic to Clinical Research
GoBack - 'New therapeutic targets for spinal cord regeneration' (PTDC/CVT-CVT/32261/2017 and CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-032261)
Proteomics in SCI - 'Proteomic profiling of serum and cerebrospinal fluid to identify candidate biomarkers of Spinal Cord Injury severity and prognosis' (EPIC-XS-0000379):
ProTmedula - 'Temporal profile of regeneration markers in samples from patients with spinal cord injury', in MEDISIS (CENTRO-01-0246-FEDER-000018)
SCIMBIONT - 'Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation: Gut dysbiosis and immune biomarkers as functional prognosis tools and new therapeutic targets', in MEDISIS (CENTRO-01-0246-FEDER-000018)
NeuroStimSpinal - 'A step forward to spinal cord injury repair using innovative stimulated nanoengineered scaffolds' (EU FETOPEN G.A. No: 829060)
Biomaterials: chemical, physical and topographic cues
Doped ceramics and other biomaterials, dental prostheses
Instrumented active bone prostheses (sensors, actuators)
Electrical stimulation for osteoregeneration
Fractures, Osteoporosis, Vertebral pathologies
Basic to Clinical Research
STIMULUS - 'In-vitro evaluation of stimulation methods for bone regeneration around orthopaedic implants' (EXPL/EMS-SIS/2128/2013)
PPBI bioimaging (PPBI-POCI-01-0145-FEDER-02212)
FLEXOBONE - 'Flexoelectricity for engineering osteoinductive electromechanical transducers' (FCT 2022.02424.PTDC)
Aging and Proteostasis in cardiovascular and nervous systems
Proteostasis in Hypertension and Heart failure
Proteostasis in Spinal cord injury and Alzheimer’s disease
New chemicals for detection and disaggregation of protein and lipid aggregates
Pharming new anti-hypertensive peptides
Basic and Clinical Research
'The impact of viral infections on the development of neurodegenerative diseases: investigation of cellular and molecular mechanisms' (colaboration between Brazilian Universities and UAveiro)
pAGE - 'Protein Aggregation across the lifespan' (CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-000003)
Exercise intervention in heart failure (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030011)
LipidPro (Prove it 2ª Ed UA/CampusTEC/Centro2020)
F'Marker (P2020, nº 17351, 17/SI/2015), Angelini Award (2012/2013 AUA!, 4º Ed)
ProTmedula/MEDISIS (CENTRO-01-0246-FEDER-000018)​
EPIC-XS - 'Are Exosomes Mediating the Positive Effects of Exercise Training in Patient with Heart Failure?' (EPIC-XS-0000219)